Thursday, April 14, 2011

Project Planning

Well we are back home in Kentucky after a wonderful trip to Georgia to visit with family. Our oldest grandson done great on the trip. Ten hours in a car is not easy for a 6 year old but he seemed to enjoy the time reading and talking with Nana and Pappy.
He was asking a lot of questions about God and the Bible so when I got home I got on Amazon to look for a kid's Bible and found this wonderful Bible. The Bible is done in a comic form with amazing illustrations by Brazilian artist Sergio Cariello.

On sewing news the only thing I have worked on since I got back is a few aprons for my etsy store.
I've been looking through my closet to see what I'm in need of sewing wise. It seems I'm lacking in casual everyday wear. So I took a look through my patterns and picked out a couple of casual tops to sew and also a few casual skirts for the summer.

I found a couple of things in my Burdastyle mag but to be honest I have not been impressed with the magazine this past year I'm not even sure if I will renew my subscription.
I do not like how many patterns they are now cramming on to the pattern sheets, makes my eyes hurt just looking at it. Any one else out there feel that the Burda magazine is a bit uninspiring in it's designs this past year?
Well it's time to go get my run in before I go to work.
Hope you all have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by

1 comment:

  1. Cute tops! I can't wait to see them!
    My last Burda will be this May. I've sewn almost nothing from the last year, and it has gotten too frustrating to trace. I also noticed that there seem to be fewer designs per issue lately - just a lot of variations of the same thing.


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